Monthly Roundup • May

Monthly Roundup May

Another month, another lockdown roundup. I’m not gunna lie, nothing much has really changed since my April monthly roundup. I am taking the Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat routine to the extreme at the moment. It’s been feeling a little bit like groundhog day, so I am trying to make an effort to do something different or at least go for more walks in the evenings.

I have had SO much fun playing around with makeup and doing my nails whilst being at home more. I have really appreciated having more time to learn how to experiment with different looks and learn new techniques.

The cats have continued being my best buddies. I say that, but Meowth is only my friend as she knows I am in charge of the Dreamies tin. Every time the kettle goes, she comes running into the kitchen for a treat. I see right through her though.

I am so glad the sun as been out too. I have still been indoors working every day, but it has made such a difference to be able to pop out for a walk on my lunchbreak and in the evenings.

I feel like I have settled into a bit of a lockdown routine. I work so much better with structure though, so I am definitely getting more done now I have a routine in place.

How are you all doing at the moment? ❤


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