Monthly Roundup • November

monthly roundup november

Eeeeek December is here and I must admit, I am totally not ready! November really has been a funny old month. It whizzed past quicker than anything, but in reality I couldn’t tell you what I did. It has been one of those months where I have just felt super busy all the time but can’t even tell you why. I probably just spent most of the month faffing and being tired as always. I even struggled to find photos for November, as my whole camera roll is just full of cat photos. Not that that is really any different from other months but I usually try to mix it up with the odd human face too. Here are a few things I do remember though…

I had my hair cut properly for the first time in over a year, I know I am naughty for leaving it so long, but it just feels so good now. My hairdresser always straightens my hair too which looked kinda cool with this purple ombre effect.

Me and Lewis finally finished our Marvel marathon. It’s only taken us since we saw Endgame at the cinema. We came out and decided to start a movie marathon, but it has taken us months to finish. We finally watched Endgame again and I cried the whole way through, brilliant.

I managed to get my hands on a few bits from MAC’s ‘Starring You’ Christmas collection and if you have read my posts already, you will know I am in love. I am a huge fan of this range, which feels so nice as I have really struggled to love MAC for the past few collections.

As I mentioned my camera roll is full of cat photos, so I couldn’t leave those babies out. Meowth is being her usual sassy self, I came out of our bedroom the other day and she was just slumped on the stairs like this. Her favourite position. Misty is just the cutest little bean, who can’t resist jumping in her little hammock as soon as the heating clicks on.

I can’t believe we are already a few days into our Advent Calendars and Christmas is just around the corner. I feel like December will whizz just as quickly as November did, I am just hoping I do something a bit more exciting and remember it a bit better! ❤


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