Monthly Roundup • June

June roundup

I am so late with my June roundup, the time is going really quickly considering every day is pretty much the same. Another month, another day in lockdown I suppose. Although looking at people outside these days, you wouldn’t think there was any sort of global pandemic going on, but there we go. Personally for me, nothing has really changed. I am still working from home and only leaving the house for the odd block walk when I can. I just feel happier this way whilst things are still at the level they are.

If you don’t follow me on Social Media, you may not have seen that we had a new addition to our family in June – Frank the French Bulldog. I can’t tell you how many times I have cried with happiness over little Frank. I will give him his own special little post, but in the meantime, look how cute he is in the photos above! My little fur family is complete.

Once the rules changed and we could go into other peoples gardens, Lewis and I popped over to my mum and dad’s for a socially distanced chippy tea. It was so nice, we ordered delivery and ate it from the paper. For a moment, things just felt…normal and it was so lovely. Except the whole distance between us and not being able to hug, but hey being able to sit in the garden is a start.

The cats have been their usual funny selves and they absolutely love Frank! The one thing I was worried about was them being completely stressed and hating me, but after a day or so they just bonded and it is so cute. Him and Misty chase each other round and round and Meowth is more than happy as long as he isn’t running towards her!

All in all June has been a bit of a wobbly month for me, some days I felt like I could take on the world and others I just really struggled with everything lockdown. I know I am not alone though, it’s just a part of this very strange situation we are in.

I hope you are all having a lovely July so far. I can’t believe we are nearly halfway through, eeeek! ❤


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