2019 Goals and Dreams

2019 Goals and Dreams

As we are about to float into the first full week of 2019, I have been thinking about a few little goals I wanted to set myself. I have been debating whether I wanted to actually set any goals this year, as I usually find it really hard to stick to them. I decided to just go for it though and hope for the best!

One of the goals I set myself last year and over the last few years actually has been to lose weight. I have tried so many things, but my heart has never been in it and I have always quit when I haven’t noticed any change. Last year, I had a bit of a health issue which I didn’t realise was partially linked to my weight. When the Doctor showed me how bad the veins in my legs would get if I didn’t lose weight and start to be healthier, I knew something needed to happen. This was the motivation I needed, as since that day (with the exception of bingiest Christmas ever) I have managed to change my diet completely, exercise more and lose 2 stone. To say I am proud of myself is an understatement and I am starting to feel so much better in myself too.

This year, I want to try and achieve the following…

1 – Keep up the healthier lifestyle – Eating better has really improved the way I am feeling, physically and mentally. I let myself have a binge over Christmas, but now I am back on it.

2 – Push my blog further – This is the year that I have decided that I really want to push my blog more. It’s always been one of those things that I have loved doing and after 7 years (Where on earth did that go?) I now want to get it out there.

3 – Grow my Instagram – Linking into the goal before, I want to push my Instagram too. I love creating content and I just want to see what I can do this year. I know I won’t beat the algorithm, but I will give it my best try aha.

4 – Plan More – I go through cycles where I am really good at planning at the beginning of the year, but as the year goes on I just give up. I really want to plan as much as I can this year though and get the old brainbox working again.

5 – Get up early – I am rubbish at getting up early. I hate it, as I feel so yucky when I have a lay in but my body just won’t get out of bed. This is the year that I am trying to force myself up though. I am hoping after a few weeks it might start to get a little easier!

6 – Practice more makeup looks – I really want to play around with makeup more, linking to the goal before. I always seem to get up late, which means my makeup time can be rushed. Not this year though, getting up early means I have longer to do my makeup and hopefully post some looks.

7 – Work with Brands – I’ve decided that this is going to be the year that I work with more brands. During my time blogging, I have never actually contacted a brand for a collab. I have always been too scared, but I am hoping this year I get over this fear and start contacting.

8 – Get more active – Keeping up with my healthier eating, I want to get more active. Moving my legs more is definitely helping the circulation. It’s not perfect and the veins definitely haven’t faded, BUT they feel nowhere near as heavy and tired all the time.

9 – Post more outfit photos – I feel like I am definitely starting to get my confidence back in myself and want to start putting together more outfit posts. I kind of miss doing them, so we shall see.

10 – Get another kitten – Ha! This isn’t a goal, more like wishful thinking. I think Lewis would kill me if I said we were getting another one. The two we have are a handful, so this definitely isn’t going to happen.

Hopefully I manage to keep to these goals, I am super excited by what 2019 has to bring for me. Hopefully, it is in the shape of a lottery win, but if not achieving these goals will do. Have you set any goals this year? ❤


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  1. 8th January 2019 / 6:40 am

    I also want to get healthier this year. Late last year I started a new workout routine which gave me great results but I took a break during the holidays but I’m excited to start it again! Good luck with your goals! ♥


  2. 13th January 2019 / 2:51 am

    There are some great goals to have! I am SUPER jealous that you already have two cats, we can’t have pets where we live at the moment so all I day every day is dream about the day where we finally live in a big place and I can have all the pets I want 😭🙌 I also want to grow my blog and Instagram a lot more this year.

    I feel like I’ve been chugging along too mildly these part couple of years, and I want to push myself a lot more in 2019. I have a lot of passion and creativity inside me and I want to share it with the world! Good luck with all your goals 😊 Including the extra kitten 😉

  3. 28th January 2019 / 8:59 am

    I set 19 goals in 2019 and I share your first four goals. I want be healthier by doing yoga regularly, write better content on the blog and increase its’ social media presence esp. IG and Pinterest and my discipline goal is includes getting better in planning — got myself a planner this year. Btw I added you on IG so there, at least you are closer to one goal 🙂

  4. 7th February 2019 / 6:00 pm

    Getting up in the morning is so difficult whilst it’s dark! I found that the first 3 days are most difficult then it gets easier. Some great goals you’ve got for the year